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soSAILize.net implements the idea of building a global sailing social networking community as a landmark (beacon) for sailing fans / enthusiasts who seek ways to live, fulfill, enhance sailing experiences worldwide.

soSAILize.net is an ultimate tool that brings different sailing services into one place and blends them into one complete platform, e.g. social network tools, events tools, yacht charter booking, etc, all in one.

Now the sailing enthusiasts globally have a place to go and hang out, discuss issues, post pics, share stories and tips, make friends, create or join events and groups, even share booking a yacht charter.

Creating a sailing group/team (e.g. "MyName Sailing Teams") and in there create sailing events is one of the niche parts of our idea.

Sailing Group/Team owners/admins create sailing events for recreational, educational or racing purposes and invite other members of the Group/Team or Friends to form a sailing team.

This naturally includes a sailyacht charter cost share, a sailyacht management share, and they also get to meet new trusted people with same interests to sail out and live the ultimate adventure.